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The Lighthouse Project is an ecumenical Christian Charity that serves the schools of Crawley and the surrounding areas. The work of the Project originally started 20 years ago and works in association with Scripture Union. The Charity currently works in 18 schools (16 Primary and 2 Secondary) which reaches approx. 6000 children and young people per term. The Lighthouse Project is led by a team of staff members and volunteers.

Our Vision Statement

Our Vision is that every child and young person in Crawley will hear about the Christian faith and will have the opportunity to explore how it could impact their own life.

Our Mission Statement

The Lighthouse Project exists to share the Christian faith and values in schools through assemblies, clubs, prayer spaces, lessons and mentoring. In delivering these The Lighthouse Project will be relational, relevant, biblical, engaging and innovative. The Lighthouse Project will work to build and equip a network of supporters with a shared vision and will serve Crawley schools with integrity and professionalism. In all of this we promote Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education as per Ofsted guidelines.