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We have a great team of volunteers who come from different churches in Crawley and who support various areas of the project; from helping to run a lunch club to presenting assemblies to facilitating an Eliv8 mentoring group. All volunteers receive appropriate training such as safeguarding and have the relevant DBS and reference checks in place.

Here are what some of our volunteers say about The Lighthouse Project:

"What a joy and privilege it has been for me to work as a volunteer with Lighthouse these past eight years.  I started after I moved to part-time working, as I wanted to use some of my free time for the Lord, and I had known the work of Lighthouse since its inception.  Running Lighthouse clubs in schools allows us volunteers to bring the message of God’s love and Bible truth to a lot of children who would otherwise never get to hear the wonderful good news about Jesus.  Working with so many wonderful children also keeps me young! "

"I absolutely love volunteering with The Lighthouse Project. It is always a privilege and a joy to share the good news of Jesus in assemblies! The children are always so engaged with our message, and I love the thought I am sharing hope in the hearts of little ones, and sowing seeds of truth that they will hopefully plant and remember for the rest of their lives on earth."

Please feel free to contact us for more information on becoming a volunteer.